Validate Your Business Idea With the 3 Most Overlooked Social Media Sites

Dear Reader: Be careful, because two and a half minutes into reading this post… you’re going to have a REVOLUTIONARY change in the way you think about social media; what “social media” really is, why it works… and most importantly! How YOU should use the 3 social media networks (that NOBODY thinks of as social […]

How to Game Starbucks for Free Drinks and Other Stuff

Hello, Steppers! In today’s grande-nonfat-sugar-free-vanilla-triple-shot post, we depart from the regular talk about marketing your business with low dough… today it’s about How to Get FREE DRINKS (and Other Stuff) from Starbucks. Stick with me, toward the end I’ll show how I effectively got an Iced Venti (20 oz) Caramel Macchiato, a blueberry scone, PLUS a […]

How I Leveraged 64 Postage Stamps into a Six Figure Business

IN today’s enlightening post of ultimate marketing wisdom… 😉 1399 awesome, zero-calorie words. Take ya about five minutes. Subject: Effective Marketing on a Shoestring Budget. Penetrate… and then DOMINATE a market with ridiculously low advertising costs. The year was 1990. I was 22 years young and had been running a martial arts school for just over […]

Just Because You Don’t Own Something Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Sell It

Today’s entry is about selling something you don’t have, which sounds suspiciously like creating value out of thin air. Guess what? BOTH are possible. Nay, I daresay it’s NECESSARY in Bizness… to be good enough that you can sell something that you don’t own. Now before we move on..! It’s important that I mention that, […]

Effective Marketing on a Shoestring Budget: The “World Domination from Zero” Strategy

Today’s post is the: conclusion of my 4-part series on marketing a small business on a small budget. Total AWESOMENESS rating: five outta five stars, yo. ***** Check and see if I’m right. Return on your reading investment: In this post I reveal the secret sauce  I HAD to learn before I was able to […]

School’s NOT out… but my excuses are.

Today’s Post: Update on how my social marketing edu-macation is going, and restating my claim on making a thousand bucks from scratch …on a Shoestring . 😎 I recently learned a collection of new zero-cost marketing techniques that I’ll be using to make that happen! The product I’m trying to create from scratch and promote […]

When at first you don’t succeed.. you are NOT Chuck Norris

Heh… couldn’t help but add a little tribute to my childhood hero there, Steppers! But, honest to goodness: even His Chuckness would tell you that it takes trial and error to learn a new skill… or RE-learn it. That’s what I’m doing right now with my information product, “How to do 100 Pushups”. I still […]

Failure is an EVENT, not a PERSON

Key there, Steppers! Okay, so those of you that have been following me know that I’m embarking on a series of “Shoestring101 Challenges”. The first Challenge was to make a thousand dollars in a service bizness in 30 days or less, starting with seed capital of  less than what you might pull in with a […]

Progress Report on My Information Product: “How to Do 100 Pushups”

Okaaaaaay. So, a few days ago I posted saying, “Ermagerd! I only have 10 days left!” Heh. I had foolishly let time slip by AFTER committing to you and the world that my second 30-day challenge was under way. I’ve got a week left; let’s see how she goes. NO, I still haven’t created a […]

Oh, SNAP! Time to HUSTLE!

Length: ’bout 800 words, three and a half minutes to read. Well, SHUCKS. On October 3,  after proving in my first 30-Day Challenge that it’s possible to: 1) start with less than half of what you might take in from a garage sale, 2) use part time effort only, and 3) make a $1000 profit […]