NEW Shoestring101 30 Day Challenge!

Okay, so my son Pierce and I did well with our first Shoestring101 30 Day Challenge: Start a small “bizness” with less money than you could probably get by selling some junk on eBay… in our case about $67… and turn it into a small bizness project that returns $1,000 or more in profit in […]

Make a WAY For customers to PAY

I’ve been using the Shoestring101 principles… again… to revamp an existing business: my martial arts school. So we’re getting new Students in the door, left and right. Good times.I got thrown for a loop today because I had a fairly big order to process… three new Students, their registrations, equipment, and tee shirts… and I […]

All Work and No Posts… Makes Shoestring a Dull Blog!

First off: Apologies for not posting in so great a while. Part of the reason is how successful (and therefore time-consuming) the 30 day challenge turned out. WOW, Ladies and Gents… So, that little experiment with my son kind of BLEW UP. In a good way, that is. My 14-year old son Pierce and I […]

WE MADE IT! (30 Day, Thousand Bucks Challenge)

Yayyy! So, my 14-year old son and I had a breakthrough in the last three days… seven jobs, some big and some small… rolled in at the “eleventh hour” and we were able to finish strong in the “Thousand Bucks in a Month CHALLENGE!” On May 9, I made the assertion that I could indeed […]

Give me a Siiiiiign… Hit Me Baby One More Time!

In this post, an update about where we are in the Challenge and how effective Bandit Signs have been in promoting our little Screen Repair Bizness. Okay, so I haven’t posted in a while about the Thousand Bucks in 30 Days Challenge. Since we’re cutting it extremely close, I want to bring everyone up to speed. […]

Update to the 30 Day, Thousand Dollar CHALLENGE

Hey Steppers! Here’s an update on the $1000 profit, part time in one month from scratch CHALLENGE… Okay, gang: the SS101 Bizness that my son Pierce and I started May 9 is now up to $739 gross receipts, with expenses of $248.54. Rounded down to the nearest dollar that’s $490 profit, about halfway to the […]

Puttin’ Money Where My Mouth is, Part FOUR

WHY I Did These Particular Actions… The Shoestring101 Steps I hope that by reading the previous posts, you’ve begun to be at least a little inspired. You probably could see that my only initial investment was the advertising… most of which was UNpaid, and the paid portion was only $62.66. No further investment in equipment […]

Puttin’ Money Where My Mouth Is, Part THREE

Wow, just a quick post. So my Facebook fan page… a FREE ad… put me in Google results for “Screen Repair Monument Colorado” and I gots me another customer that way. This fella doesn’t even want to be home when I come by, he’s putting a chekc for $39 in his barbecue on the back […]

What Exactly IS a Shoestring101 Business (BIZNESS)… Anyway?

Most of my posts on this Shoestring101 Blog revolve around the fact that it doesn’t necessarily take a lot of MONEY to start up a profitable Bizness… and that’s true. But today I’m going to concentrate on the fact that it doesn’t take near as much TIME as you might think, either. I got a recent […]

Top Ten Ways to Breathe New Life Into Your Business

Okay Steppers, you asked for it, you got it. “How can I generate short term cash in an existing business?” Actually, this is the easiest thing to do– make money in a short period of time– because in an existing business, you already have the most valuable asset a business owner can have…a list of existing customers! […]