Contact SS101

Shoestring101 helps Bizness owners make more, do less, and enjoy life.

We want you to know the oldest principles and learn the latest hacks.

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So Why Contact Shoestring101?


Have you read a book recently, that just nails Shoestring Step One? D’ja see a blog post somewheres that solves a problem you’ve been struggling with? Nifty how-to vid that ya think your fellow Steppers need to see?

Or just wanna say hi..?

Hit me up right here. I am ALL EARS.

You might also write if there’s a topic that you want more, or better info on.

If you have a Bizness problem that’s buggin’ you… I’ll help you directly if I can. A lot of resources are mentioned right here on this site. If I know the answer, I’ll point you to the right blog post, video, or person to help get your problem solved.

Oh… and! If I don’t know the answer, I’ll get you one. Then a new blog post, video, or connection will be born because of you… and together we’ll help the next guy or gal with that same struggle.

Wealth Building and Value Creation are team sports. We’re in this together. Hey, do you have a solution instead of a problem? That’s just ducky! Consider writing for us.

Either way, love ta hear from ya. I check these things every day, you can expect an answer in 24-48 hours. Take a sec and fill out the form below:

Now, if what you have to say doesn’t fit in that form, then go on up and find my email address on the yellow stickie. Also, you just might find it a WHOLE lot easier to connect with me on the SS101 Facebook or Twitter accounts, since I’m pretty active with those sites right now.

Other reasons to contact me:

Speaking Engagements
Guest Post Opportunity
Private Consultation
JV Partner Request

…or just to say howdy.

Talk soon! Keep Stepping,
