The Twelve Kinds of Images You Need to Get Your Local Small Business on Page One of Google

This is a SUPER KEY to getting your business ranked on Page One.

You’ll need to cobble together as many images as possible, and save them in a .jpg format.

Often, it’s as easy as taking the format that the picture already has, and choosing “Save As…”.

Select .jpg and rename the picture as well.

Store the picture in a dedicated folder.

You’re going to use the keywords you got from your Avatar interviews to NAME your pictures.

The twelve kinds of pictures are listed below. Most are of actual HLS customers, some are mine.


Get as many KINDS of images as you can of the following, and put them in a folder…

Interior– Where the magic happens at your business if you have a store

Exterior– signage and storefront, close and surroundings for Maps

Head shots– staff and owner

Vehicle shots- Company cars and trucks, plus signage


Product shots– Ideally, your product being consumed

In Action shots– Service being done on-site

Customer generated pics- WHOLE section on this later

Testimonials– Head shots or action shots to go with testimonials

Logo– A quick, easily digestible image that communicates your service or the problem it solves

Infographic– “info-tainment”

Memes– not too silly or too often, but post some funnies

Okay I know I said NOT too much, too silly or too often… but heyyy…

Last type of image:

Caricature– Makes you less intimidating

Obvi, some kinds of professions are NOT appropriate for memes and caricatures. Divorce lawyers and morticians probably should steer clear.

Remember, this isn’t 12 pics, it’s up to 12 KINDS of images. Get as many images together as you can.

They don’t need to be super professional; shots taken from a smart phone are good.

***Also, focus on as many pics as possible of PEOPLE.

People enjoying the RESULT of what your business does for them. The picture of the little girl with the ice cream cone beats the snot out a picture of the carton.


Okay, start your engines! Try to be the first to post your images in the Hack Local Search Course Owner’s Group on Facebook. Use the hashtag #teacherspet to get a critique as well as suggestions and accolades from your fellow Students!



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