Today is Monday: Get Off Your Ass day at Shoestring101.

SO here’s my quick post for the day, written for my own benefit as much as yours…

Quit screwing around.


“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Most folks that are in business KNOW, somewhere deep in their soul, exactly WHAT they should be doing right now. They know as much as they need to know to get started at least… and know that whatever they DON’T know, they’re likely to learn it along the way while taking action, rather than sitting on their fanny.

But for whatever reason, they don’t take action.

This is one of the great conundrums of being a small business owner; you decide to quit working for an asshole and go into business for yourself. Then you find out maybe you needed an asshole to report to in order to get any work done 😉

Most folks that are stuck in this space are stuck there because they fear failure. Actually, many have begun to succeed, then STOP because they actually kind of fear success… it’s a silly fixation on the idea that they will get to some slightly higher, slightly more visible place and THEN fail. Just in front of more people.

Aww, hogwash. Cemetery’s full of folks that don’t fail anymore.

Listen, if you’re not okay with stumbling about a little bit on the way to your goal… maybe you shouldn’t be in business for yourself. Take that back… maybe you shouldn’t even be in the human race.

Think about it. Say you’re NOT in business for yourself, and are lying in bed thinking about going to work for the asshole instead. Okay, so as the alarm goes off the first thing you think about is traffic on the way to work.

Wouldja stay in bed without a guarantee that all the traffic lights between home and the office were already green, and stayed that way while you drove?

Heh. ‘Course not.

Likewise, it’s time to realize that all the lights won’t be green between here and your goal: owning a successful, self-sufficient business that creates value for all that come in contact with it.

Will everything you do work the first time? Naw. Will everything you touch turn to gold? Unlikely. Will you stumble and fall a few times? MORE than likely.

But, think about a child that’s dear to you, taking their first steps. They fell down a lot… and so did you though you probably don’t remember that far back. But it’s not about the falling, it’s about the getting up and trying again.

Will you be a success in business? Only if you want to, and want to badly enough to keep getting up.

Nice post so far I guess, but it’s time for me to go get to work. Well, usually if I want to finish strong I’ve got to borrow thoughts from someone else 😉 Here’s a quote from a fellow German that I think sometimes he wrote just for me:

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Okay Steppers! See you tomorrow.

Keep Stepping,


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